We have lived in Tampa for 12 days now and we have loved it. The weather is incredible this time of the year. This weekend we are anticipating 80 degree weather and sunshine. (Just in time as our first potential staff memebr comes to interview.) It has really been a joy and has made the move go well.
Here's what we have done this winter that we normally don't do in the mid-west:
1. I mowed my lawn. (I taught Ricky how to as well. His lines aren't straight, but I ain't doing this every 5 days or so.)
2. We went to the beach. This was great. The weather was warm, we picked up sea shells, but the water was chilly.
3. We are wearing shorts and t-shirts.
4. We catch yard lizards for fun.
5. We need to use bug spray.
6. We went out for ice cream. (Oh we do that all year round. We love ice cream no matter the temperature.)
7. We played at the park.
8. The boys play on the patio.
All in all it has been really great. We have started getting to meet some people and ministers here in the Tampa area. Everyone is extremely welcoming and supportive of our endeavor.
Pray for us. We have a long way to go and need to raise up some major partners to help us as Common Ground gets started.