Monday, January 29, 2007

Been to Mississippi

On the 26th, I flew to Memphis, TN to get picked up to head to Mississippi. I had never been, but always look forward to new places and new faces. This wekend represented MCYC - the christian youth convention for the state.

I enjoy doing these types of events. Away for the glamour and glitz that sometimes comes with major events, you get to be very genuine here. Not that I am not geniune at large events, but some of those events never allow you to slow down and chat with the people.

The theme was Extreme Makeover: Christ Edition. We talked Friday night about building alife on Jesus so that when the storms come, you can endure the storm. Then it happened. The "hey nice job" and "great to have you" went to transparent conversation. One man chared about the death of his father. One mother shared about the struggle of her oldest daughter. It was clear from the get go that Mississippi was comfortable with who they were. I love that.

The weekend continued and highlights happened a lot. What is amazing about this convention was I was not the scheduled speaker and the band wasn't scheduled either. Both of us filled in as back ups due to some unforeseen issues.

Nonetheless, God planned something well beyond all of us. I was truly humbled and moved. Mississippi was great. A special thanks to Bobby Joe, Michael, Mel, and the cast of hooligans who helped make me feel at home.

So Mississippi - don't be afraid to call if you need anything!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Loving life in Florida!

We have lived in Tampa for 12 days now and we have loved it. The weather is incredible this time of the year. This weekend we are anticipating 80 degree weather and sunshine. (Just in time as our first potential staff memebr comes to interview.) It has really been a joy and has made the move go well.

Here's what we have done this winter that we normally don't do in the mid-west:
1. I mowed my lawn. (I taught Ricky how to as well. His lines aren't straight, but I ain't doing this every 5 days or so.)
2. We went to the beach. This was great. The weather was warm, we picked up sea shells, but the water was chilly.
3. We are wearing shorts and t-shirts.
4. We catch yard lizards for fun.
5. We need to use bug spray.
6. We went out for ice cream. (Oh we do that all year round. We love ice cream no matter the temperature.)
7. We played at the park.
8. The boys play on the patio.

All in all it has been really great. We have started getting to meet some people and ministers here in the Tampa area. Everyone is extremely welcoming and supportive of our endeavor.

Pray for us. We have a long way to go and need to raise up some major partners to help us as Common Ground gets started.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Finally moving in???

Well we have had these dates for our move in told to us.
Dec. 27 & 28
Jan. 3 & 4

and now noon on Jan. 6

Our goal is to have our furniture show up on Saturday before noon and call our house our home. Pray for us as everything else has gone well in our transition. This is the finall piece to our move.

A special thanks needs to go to Dan and Collen Hanko as they have housed us at their home in St. Pete. Though the drive across the bay every day has been beautiful, it will nice to only take 5 minutes to get Ricky to school.

Starting next week we will be ready for guests. Come on down and stay with the Schaffner's. We'd love to have you.