Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Family Values = Core Values

For the next four weeks, we are teaching a series called "Family Values." Every family has a set of values. Some are spoken, some may be written, but one way or another they are passed on to other generations.

What we value defines how we invest our lives. For Common Ground, our values should express how we desire to be known and recognized. Our four values are best exprienced in our personal relationships.


1. Live Graciously: Every person matters and all people need to belong to something greater their own life. We all come from a life that is lost and broken, but God calls all people to life found in him through Jesus as family.

2. Love Authentically: Loving relationships are the evidence of the reality of God. Our love for God shows in the way we love others. The highest honor of love is to love and be loved from an authentically pure life.

3. Learn Continually: Life is best learned together. God has written His story through the Bible. By studying His word and living it out together, we continue to live out the message of God as family.

4. Lead Sacrificially: Jesus exemplified our model for leadership and the church today shares that model in serving the world. Therefore, sacrificial leadership first in the home and then in the world.