June 10-17 was our latest mission trip. 30 people came from Greenwood Christian Church in IN and Life Spring Christian Church in Cincinnati, OH. We spent the days doing work around the facility and community. In the evenings, we did a youth outreach at a local apartment complex.
What would the average day be like?
7:00 AM - Showers open
8:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 AM - Devotions and worship
10:00 AM - First work shift
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Second work shift
4:00 PM - Clean up for supper/ Prep for outreach event
5:00 PM - Supper
6:00 PM - Pack up and head to apartment complex
7:00 PM - Outreach event
8:30 PM - Pack up/ head back
9:00 PM - Snacks Debrief
11:00 PM - Go to Bed
It was a great week and we owe a ton to these to ministries getting so much accomplished.