Monday, March 19, 2007

Looking back on February

February was a good month. We have had some family come to town, met face to face with several churches, and work began on the facility.

It is hard to believe, but we are 5 months from the launch of our new work. Small groups will start next month with a young adult group starting first and then an adult group starting second. We have our first BBQ at the Hankos in St. Pete on March 28th and a dinner for former members/ attenders of Central Christian Church on April 1.

Where can you get information about these events?

Well - let me be the first to introduce you to the name of our new work. The church will be formally called - Common Ground Christian Church, INC. (That's as it would be seen on all legal documents.) We will go by Common Ground. We have offically launched our new website.

Go to to see who we are.

As far as family, we had a chance to hit the zoo and have some fun. Ricky is settling into school and has taken his FCAT testing. he signed up for youth football as well and will be playing for the cardinals - the local team by the church. Caden is doing well too. He is attending some library classes and making friends. Brody is growing more and more into his personality.

Kristi and I are great. We are excietd as this next month we will get to attend the National New Church Conference in Orlando as a family. Hard to believe we are 2 months into living the dream.

Pray for us as God is growing us and the work in ways we could never imagine.