Monday, October 16, 2006

I admire Bono

I was sitting in my urban ministry class this last week and the suggested some research into Bono's work with Oprah to help cure aids. What? A rockstar revolutionarily changing our world.

This guy is amazing. I remember watching the movie "Rattle and Hum" when I was in high school thinking "This is a great band." Never did I realize the level to which he would leverage his influence to change the world.

Oprah calls him the reigning "King of Hope." He is the leading man to motivate church leaders at Catalyst in 05 and Leadership Summit/ Willow Creek of 06 as well.

I realize that some of my personal beliefs may not be the same as his, but he is changing the world. He is doing it in no small way either. I guess just wonder what I am doing with what I've got.

It is that reminder that God asks Moses, "What's that in your hand?" Tommy Oakes did a sermon and would say something like "Oh this? A staff, a rod, a piece of wood."

Sometimes God takes the most simple things and uses them to his glory. What greater ingenious idea is there then taking the consumerism of America and harnassing it right before Chistmas? Let alone, Bono getting Oprah to make it happen.

I admire Bono. I really do. I pray God conitues to use him as we continue to reach the world for Jesus.

His latest idea is this (red) thing. Check it out.